The Rockhampton Grammar School are currently accepting applications for the 2025 school year, and beyond. Our friendly enrolments team are here to guide you through the application and enrolment process and answer any questions you may have.
The first step is submitting an application for admission with the School, which includes providing all supporting documentation. You can submit an application online at any time.
To complete an application, a $75 non-refundable application fee is required.
Applications are open all year round, however we highly recommend they are submitted at least two years prior to year of commencement.
Vacancies permitting, your child will be invited to attend an enrolment interview at the School in the year prior to nominated entry. Students applying for Prep to Year 6 will meet with a member of the Primary Leadership Team, and students applying for entry into Years 7 - 12 will meet with the relevant Head of Year, who will oversee the student’s academic progress and pastoral care.
All families will be taken on a school tour as part of the interview. Boarding students will also meet with Boarding staff and tour the Boarding facilities.
Following the interview, the Registrar will offer your child a place at the School, or inform the family that a place is not available.
Offers are made at the discretion of the Headmaster.
To accept the offer of enrolment at the School, parents must sign an enrolment contract and complete other documentation that will be requested in the offer, including census data and medical information.
A non-refundable confirmation fee of $1,000 is required at this time, with $500 applied as a credit to the student's fee account upon commencement. The enrolment will be confirmed once the enrolment processing fee is paid and all documentation has been provided.
Orientation packages for new students are distributed in Term 4 of the year prior to entry, and contain everything families need to commence at RGS. All new students, from Prep - Year 12, attend an orientation day prior to the full school returning in January.
Incoming Year 7 and Prep students will have the opportunity to attend additional transition sessions in the year prior to commencement, to help ease the transition to RGS. New boarding students will be invited to attend an orientation weekend at the School in late November.
For students commencing during the School year, our enrolments team will provide families with all the necessary information and guidance to ensure a smooth start to school at RGS.