The Rockhampton Grammar School students await the next stage of their futures following the release of Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), Vocational Education and Training (VET), and Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) results today.
RGS continues to show why it is Central Queensland’s best performing school, with all one hundred and forty-nine graduates achieving a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
The School’s Overall (Internal and External Assessment) Dux, Danielle Clarke received an impressive ATAR of 99.50, placing her in the top 300 of 27,778 ATAR eligible students in the State.
Danielle admitted she was nervous waiting for the ATAR result, but she didn’t have a specific number in mind.
“I was just hoping to do the best I could do and I’m pretty happy with that result,’’ said Danielle.
“It will leave a lot of doors open to me.”
Danielle is hoping to be accepted into medicine at James Cook University (JCU) in Townsville in January.
“I’ve been interested in medicine for a long time, but it was probably only really cemented last year doing work experience and working out what being a doctor would really be like,’’ Danielle said.
“The human body as a whole is fascinating, how we have so many different processes happening to keep us alive and breathing. It’s also the perfect way to make a difference in someone’s life. You treat one patient, but then all their family and loved ones can feel better knowing they are ok.”
The additional study ahead does not bother Danielle.
“I love studying and learning,’’ she said.
While excited about where her studies will continue, Danielle will also miss her school days at RGS.
“I will miss the people and the little moments in class with your classmates and teachers. I just really enjoyed it,’’ Danielle said.
The School’s Internal Assessment Dux, Brooke Peckett received an ATAR of 97.00 after selecting subjects she “genuinely loved and knew I could do well in.” Brooke was one of only 510 students in the state (from 53,181 Year 12 students) to attain a perfect subject score, achieving full marks in Visual Art.
Brooke, who has opted for a gap year in 2024, received first-in-subject awards in 2023 for Biology, Geography, Ancient History, Literature, and Visual Art.
“You want your Senior year to be happy. You’re more likely to achieve your goals and do your best when you love what you do,’’ Brooke said.
“History and Geography have always been two subjects that I really engaged with. I enjoyed learning about people, whether in the past or present, and their interactions with the world around them.
Subject results from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) were released along with Australian Tertiary Admission Ranks (ATAR) through the Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC).
The Rockhampton Grammar School is also proud to report that 100% of the School’s 149-student Year 12 cohort gained a QCE (Queensland Certificate of Education) on completing their Secondary School studies.
Rockhampton Grammar School Headmaster Dr Phillip Moulds commended the students, staff, and families for their collaborative work in achieving these results and wished the Year 12 graduates all the best in pursuing careers beyond school.
“The most fundamental partnership in education is the one between parents and educators,’’ Dr Moulds said.
“This collaboration is essential for a child’s education, as parents who are actively involved in their child’s learning journey have a significant impact on their academic success.
“We are deeply grateful for the commitment demonstrated by our parents in strengthening this partnership throughout 2023 and look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts.”
RGS Head of Secondary School – Academics, Ms Reniece Carter said the data released today was another powerful example of our students’ commitment to learning in a very challenging year.
“It clearly highlights the commitment of all RGS staff to each and every student,” said Ms Carter.
Ms Carter said that teachers working with students and parents was a key focus and reason for the success at RGS.
Dr Moulds said a Grammar education was about our students completing their time at RGS as the best version of themselves, having grown in character and scholarship,’’ Dr Moulds said.
“This includes co-curricular activities, service to the community, and the development of students’ attitudes, behaviours, and actions,’’ Dr Moulds said.
Dr Moulds said scores are only one measure of student success.
“There are countless individual stories of our students achieving their personal best and engaging in many different areas across the School,’’ Dr Moulds said.
“There are so many varied opportunities offered at The Rockhampton Grammar School. Not all require high ATARs, and it is pleasing to see the wide spread of interests pursued by our students.
“Our students’ achievements and worth are never reduced to just numbers. We’re more concerned about each child’s disposition and their interest in learning. If you have those qualities nurtured in an environment where strong academics and well-rounded development are highly valued, where a partnership exists among students, their parents and teachers, then children are going to do well.”
Ms Carter said the RGS 2023 graduates were a cohesive year group, who exemplified the School’s values of respect, honesty, integrity, endeavour and community, whether that be across academics, global awareness, cultural, sporting, charity or giving to the community.
“As an educator, it was a privilege to work with the cohort, and every graduate achieving their QCE provides them the opportunity to successfully pursue their post-school life”, Ms Carter said.
RGS ATAR Reflections:
Tegbir Sandha - (99.4 ATAR) – “I was nervous about getting my result, but at the end of the day I couldn’t do anything about it. I was really happy because that was more than what I was aiming for. The hard work over the years finally paid off. My advice to other students is to just try your best. There’s no point over stressing. The teachers at RGS were really helpful with my studies, including the afternoon tutorials as it was a good opportunity to ask questions. Next year I hope to be accepted into Western Sydney University to study medicine. I’ve been in Queensland my whole life and I’m keen to experience something new in Sydney. I’ve had my medicine interviews and find out whether I’ve been accepted on 11 January.”
Ella McCauley - (99.4 ATAR) – “I looked at the number and thought there’s a lot of work that goes on behind that, all the studying, attending tutorials, and the teachers always helping out. I now hope take a gap year with the Australian Defence Force programme and do aviation operations. I find out next week if I’ve been accepted. Then I’ll hopefully studying physics and maths. I just really like solving problems, and those areas open up a lot of research opportunities to help people.”
Ava Tregea - (99.15 ATAR) – “I was really nervous waiting for my result, especially after the external exams, but my exam results were better than I expected. I cried when I saw my ATAR result. I’m hoping to study engineering at UQ. I’ve always loved to create things, along with the science and maths. I’m not sure what engineering I want to major in. I’m really nervous about moving to Brisbane but I’m also really excited about this next part of my life.”
Amelie Tripet - (97.65 ATAR) – “I was quite pleased with my score because at the start of the year I expected a lower mark than that. I’m hoping to either study biomedical engineering at the University of NSW in Sydney, or medicine at James Cook University in Townsville. I still have many options, depending on scholarships and where I get offers. My parents are both doctors, but they never really pushed me to do medicine. I think being around medicine helped me realise I was interested in that career, and engineering is a bit creative with science, which I loved throughout Senior. Hopefully I can use my STEM skills in a creative way, especially in terms of biomedical engineering to create advancements for health and improving peoples lives.”
Alain Li - (97.5 ATAR) – “I hope to study medicine at JCU. My medicine interview went well, so fingers crossed. Doctors helped my family when we went through a tough time when I was really young. It would be a good career to give back to do the same thing the medicine staff did for my family and mum at the time. I owe a lot of thanks to my teachers, tutors, and my family and brother, for all their support during school.”
Pictured (from left) Ella McCauley, Danielle Clark, Ava Tregea, Amelie Tripet, Tegbir Sandha and Alain Li