It is our staff that make The Rockhampton Grammar School different. They are what make us unique and will help support your child to reach their full potential.
Teachers make a fundamental difference to the learning outcomes of students. At RGS our teachers are committed educators and we support them to continue learning and developing throughout their careers.
Our teachers love what they do and it comes through in every aspect of school life at RGS.
“Regularly interacting with young people keeps you mentally young. I really like enlightening young minds and watching that spark of recognition in their eyes when a concept is finally understood and internalised.”
Noel Phillips I Head of Technologies
“Music has always been my passion and becoming a teacher was my career choice made from an early age. I have been able to combine these and impart my knowledge and skills in the classroom, and at the piano, to the students at RGS. Watching my students grow in confidence and step out of their comfort zones musically, whether it be performing or composing, is such a rewarding experience.”
Rhonda Hite I Head of Music
“At Prep, we give the children opportunities to be who they want to be. We have many nationalities and I love it when parents come in and they share stories about their home and what they used to do when they were children.
These stories enable the other children to learn so much about their culture and learn that even though we’re different on the outside, on the inside our hearts are the same.”
Adair Mehlhose-Shore I Prep Teacher
I love that I have the opportunity every day to try and provide the next generation of RGS students with the same opportunities I had. Most importantly I love seeing the students striving to do their best every time they represent the School in the famous red and black colours."
Todd Wells I Director of Co-Curricular and Past Student
and that comes from the great culture and opportunities the school offers, not only for to our students, but staff as well.”
Rodney Norris I Services Manager
I love getting to be part of the lives of the students, staff and parents, and hopefully make a contribution to all the students growing into young men and women of great character and scholarship.
Whether it be taking the Jazz Ensemble, in the classroom or watching a match on the sporting field, it is fantastic to see how RGS students bond together and share a special connection that goes well beyond the School gates.”
Dr Phillip Moulds OAM I Headmaster